
我是一个阳光的大男孩,也是一个成熟的小男人,处在这个年龄,我很怀念20岁时的无所畏惧,但我却有着比同龄人更成熟的内心。我不爱花言巧语,不喜欢炫耀,我讨厌欺骗,我想找一个忠诚的伴侣,我不在乎你的过去,希望我们可以一起创造属于我们的未来.Life is too short, only enough to love one person. Hope later and your life, gentle, interesting, not too intense, three meals, four seasons, not too hasty, I have a life time to waste with you.I am an optimistic and mature man,I do not like show off and hate cheating, I want to find a loyal partner,I don't care about your past, I hope we can create a future that belongs to us.

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