
我期待我的人生中可以遇见一份,愿得一人心,白首不相离的感情,因为,我是一个很相信缘分的男人,我也很相信会有这种美好的感情存在,相信冥冥中上天注定好的缘分,所以,我会用一颗最真诚的心,去等待那个对的她 ,出现在我的生命中。也相信人与人之间是有眼缘的,她不需要多完美,我喜欢就好,我也没有很完美,你不嫌弃就好。感情就是这样,每个人都有自己的感情追求,我也是,我希望我的爱人是一位温柔大方,善良,真诚,和爱我就好。我会用一生的时间向她证明,爱她,陪伴她,尊重她,保护她,呵护她,是我爱她的基本,也会说到做到,履行我作为一个男人的对待家庭应有的责任与担当,和她一起拥有一个幸福温暖的家。I look forward to life can meet a, would like to get a heart, white head not from each other's feelings, because, I am a man who believes in fate, believe in the doomed fate, so, I will use a most sincere heart, to wait for the right her, appear in my life.I also believe that there is eye catching between people. I look forward to meeting a person who is close to each other. She doesn't need to be perfect.Feelings are like this, everyone has different feelings in mind to pursue.I think feelings is the most noble and pure in the world, everyone is anxious to have a pure and eternal love,
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